BigDX Bionic ADWme Aqua v4.1 ѧ Aplikasiroid | Aplikasiroid Gratis | Aplikasiroid Unik :roid 1.6 up ѧ Aplikasiroid | Aplikasiroid Gratis | Aplikasiroid Unik : Custom,iginal Design Work ѧ
ѧ ✚✚WHATSCLUDED✚✚ ѧ Custom,iginal Design Work ѧ Analog Clock Widget ѧmed Search Widget ѧ 6 Custom Wallpapers w/ Wallpaper Picker ѧ 3 Customckbars (ADW EXly) ѧ 750 Custom Images!! ѧ -1568 iconsternally coded App Drawer ѧ -668 icons available Icon Picker ѧvery detailedme ADW & ADW/EX ѧ ADWmes have much detail ѧ ★Thisme work following Launchers★ ѧ - ADW.Launcher / ADW EX ѧ - Launcher Pro ѧ - Circle Launcher ѧ - Apex Launcher Free / Paid ѧ -va Launcher ѧ ✚✚WHATS REQUIRED✚✚ ѧme "open"s own.functions control howme applied allows user provide feedback communicate me. still need have ADWstalled useaspectsme. ѧ ✚✚WHATS COMING✚✚ ѧ -More wallpapers &ckbars ѧ -Even icons!!! ѧ -More progressme's App ѧ Have any icons want me skin? See current list Submit Here ѧ FOLLOW ME TWITTER LATEST @BIGNADAD ѧ ✚✚ABOUT BIGDX✚✚ ѧmy work created me, bignadad ѧ I spendlot time getting things just right. Expectupdates new creations BigDX ѧ I have 9 different colorsme. ѧ Green, Yellow, Blue, White, Red, Pink, Purple,ange, Aqua ѧ Search market "bigdx" ѧ Please takemoment rate comment mymes ѧes makebig difference kind comments greatly appreciated. ѧ Visit me at any questions/comments ѧ What users saying about BigDXmes? ѧ ѧ I haveen Google Play overyearw know what i'ming. Expectupdates futuremoremes come :) ѧ ✚✚ABOUT ADW✚✚ ѧ Need help ADW? SEE COMPLETE GUIDE AT LINKLOW: ѧ ѧ ✚✚HOW USE✚✚ ѧ *To Changeckbar (ADW EXly), go ADW Settings->UI Settings->Mainck->Dock Background->Custom...->BigDX Bionic->Choosee like ѧ *(To useckbar Droid Eye)reblank app icon. choose BigDX Bionic Icon Packsign app droid eye centerckbar ѧ * Choose different wallpapers ѧ Just press hold home screen ѧ Select wallpaper choose BigDX Bionic Wallpaper ѧ * change icons home screen ѧ Press hold current icon home screenn press edit. Select button current icon, select ADWme IconPacksn select BigDX Bionic. Choose icon would like ѧ * get myautiful Widget skins (as seen screenshot)wnloadautiful widgets app. ѧ /> ѧ <input type="button" value=""> ѧ ѧwnload: Supplied steaven1010 ѧ ѧ ѧ ѧ