Battery HD Pro v1.18 ѧ Aplikasiroid | Aplikasiroid Gratis | Aplikasiroid Unik :roid 2.1 higher ѧ Aplikasiroid | Aplikasiroid Gratis | Aplikasiroid Unik :stantly know how long use each app. ѧ
ѧstantly know howhours have left: ѧ - Listening music ѧ - Watching video ѧ - Talking phone ѧ -ternet Browsing ( WiFi / Edge / 3G / 4G ) ѧ - Standby ѧ - Time left recharge ѧ - Time use LED Flashlight ѧ - 2D 3D Games ѧ - Reading books ѧ - GPS navigation ѧ - Video chat ѧ - Taking photos ѧ - Recording videos ѧ havenew r , please run calibration tests sh r results community make app even precise ! ѧ Tryw !'s st at whates. ѧ What's version: ѧ - Fixed text sizesues latest update ѧ - NEW: graph level chart ѧ - Over 450,000 hours calibration tests have alreadyen shd ! Yes that's equivalente running 51 yearsn-stop. ѧ THANKS helping make apptter ! ѧfo ѧ <input type="button" value=""> ѧ ѧ ѧ